Economics Socium Environment
Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development, 2020, 8(27): 48-55
UDC 316.334.5: 51-33; 330.11; 330.15; 330.52.051: 502.333; 352.071:352.93
DOI: 10.37100/2616-7689/2020/8(27)/7

Oksana Veklych
Doctor of Economics, Professor,
Public Institution «Institute of Environmental Economics and
Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»

Abstract: The essence of the formalization process is revealed. Its projection on the task of formalizing the value measurement of ecosystem assets of social-territorial communities disclosed three iterative steps of the algorithm for its solution. The last step is to represent ecosystem assets in monetary terms by appropriate calculation formulas (a system of indicators to determine their numerical values), which is achieved by establishing a monetary valuation of their ecosystem goods and services as an indicator of the natural capacity of these ecosystem assets. It is shown that the basic methodological basis for the numerical formalization of monetary calculation of ecosystem assets of socio-territorial communities are the provisions on determining the economic value of ecosystem services and their contribution to welfare, which are enshrined in the four most important constitutive official documents developed by United Nations Statistical Commission, FAO, IMF and World Bank in 2012-2017. It is established that in foreign countries (Great Britain, the Netherlands, the People's Republic of China) these documents are used as a source in the implementation of appropriate valuations of ecosystem services provided by ecosystem assets of certain areas. And the UK in general has introduced such estimates in 2018 in the practice of its state statistical accounting of natural capital on a regular basis.
The generalization of the existing as of 2020 foreign developments on monetary valuation of ecosystem services provided by ecosystem assets is carried out. The list of ecosystem services, the cost of which can now be calculated using the appropriate sequences of formulas for their calculation for the final total monetary assessment of ecosystem assets, is presented in tabular format (with address sources). These sources, which contain sequences of the necessary formulas for calculating the monetary contribution of ecosystem services, will be useful to domestic appraisers of ecosystem assets of local communities. It is recommended to creatively and thoughtfully use the already developed positions and sequences of calculation formulas on the outlined topics, which are published in the relevant foreign official procedural methods and in the performed project studies as auxiliary guides, when conducting estimation of specific ecosystem assets of territorial communities of Ukraine.
Key words: natural capital, ecosystem assets, ecosystem services, formalization of value measurement, socio-territorial communities.
Language version: Ukrainian

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Article publication date: 2020
Date of online version: 2020